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The average house price in Newmarket is $1,239,259, based on statistics. Right now, there are 170 available for purchase. Buyers should know that the average selling time of a house here is 17 days. Between buyers and sellers, the market for houses in Newmarket is fairly balanced overall.
It's hardly surprising that Summerhill Estates, Woodland Hill and Bristol-London are Newmarket's most popular neighbourhoods. We assess how much interest there is for a neighbourhood by looking at various statistics. The average sale price, average days on market, and the percentage of properties that have sold over asking are just some of the factors used to determine popularity.
Glenway Estates, Armitage and Stonehaven-Wyndham are Newmarket's most priciest neighbourhoods. Neighbourhoods are ranked by assessing the average sold price during the past 12 months, and compared to all of the other neighbourhoods in the city. If you're looking for value, Newmarket's priciest neighbourhoods may not be ideal. Instead, check out Woodland Hill, Gorham - College Manor and Summerhill Estates for other alternatives.
The most affordable neighbourhoods in Newmarket are Huron Heights | Leslie Valley, Central Newmarket and Bristol-London. The average sold price is able to tell us where a neighbourhood ranks in terms of cost. Many properties in Newmarket's least expensive neighbourhoods are selling below the city's average of $1,239,259.
One of the carrying costs associated with homeownership in Newmarket is your property tax. This tax is crucial in providing local residents with essential services, including garbage collection, fire protection and policing. Each year, the municipality determines its property tax rate - which typically falls in the range of 0.5 to 2.5%. To determine how much property tax you'll pay, the city will multiply that tax rate by your home's current market value - which can fluctuate year-to-year depending on the value of neighbouring properties. This is why it's not necessarily correct when Newmarket homeowners assume that the bigger their house, the more they'll pay. For instance, if your home's market value is $800,000 and the municipality's property tax rate is 0.5%, you'd pay $4,000 that year. features all listings in Newmarket, updated multiple times daily - you won't ever miss a property when using this platform. This website can show what your neighbour's house sold for last year. Or how much your grandmother's home might be worth in today's market. With, you can also get historical data on every property in Newmarket. You'll have all the intel you need to outsmart the local real estate market.
With a walk score of 52, Newmarket is a somewhat walkable city. And with a transit score of 40, this city offers few public transportation options. For anyone with a bike, this neighbourhood offers more limited bike infrastructure, with a bike score of 47.
When purchasing a house in Newmarket, you must budget for a series of charges known as 'closing costs'. These costs are necessary in order to finalize your purchase, so be sure to factor them in before making an offer. The average closing costs in this city will typically come to about 1.5% - 2% of the purchase price, although this can vary. For example, 2% in closing costs on an $800,000 house would be $16,000 that you need to budget for. In Canada, all buyers are required to pay a land transfer tax when closing on a property. If you're a first-time homebuyer, however, you could be eligible for a government rebate to bring down these costs. And lastly, buying Newmarket real estate will require a lawyer you can trust. You'll need to find someone who specializes in this as they'll be finalizing your purchase. Real estate lawyers have varying rates, but many agents will recommend you budget about $2,000 to cover their fees.