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The average house price in Brantford is $706,656, based on statistics. Right now, there are 440 available for purchase. Houses in this location are sitting on the market for an average of 24 days. The market for houses in Brantford is tilting in favour of buyers over sellers.
Every city has its most in-demand neighbourhoods, and in Brantford they are Shellard Lane, East Ward and Echo Place. looks at a number of indicators to rank the communities most in-demand. Popularity is typically determined by assessing the following - the average sale price, average number of days that a home sits on market, plus the proportion of homes that have sold over asking.
Northwest Industrial Park, Ava Heights-Golfdale and Tutela Heights are Brantford's most priciest neighbourhoods. The average sold price is able to tell us where a neighbourhood ranks in terms of cost. If you can't afford a home in Brantford's most expensive neighbourhoods - check out other areas which offer better value, including Lynden Hills, Fairview - Brantford and Downtown Brantford.
Every city has neighbourhoods where property values tend to be cheaper - and in Brantford they are East Ward, Eagle Place and North Ward. The average sold price is able to tell us where a neighbourhood ranks in terms of cost. For context, it's important to note that Brantford's average house price is $706,656.
Aside from mortgage payments, owning a house in Brantford will require that you pay an annual property tax. This tax is essential in helping the city provide a number of services, including sewer protection and road maintenance. The municipality is responsible for assessing properties and determining its property tax rate, which typically land between 0.5 and 2.5%. Some Brantford residents assume they'll pay more in taxes, depending on the size of their home. However, that's not necessarily true as the city's tax rate is multiplied by the property's current market value - and that can change each year based on the sale of nearby homes. Let's say your home's assessed market value is $600,000 and the municipality's property tax rate is 1% - that year you'd pay $6,000. features all listings in Brantford, updated multiple times daily - you won't ever miss a property when using this platform. In addition to listing details, imagine having the ability to search historical data for every property in Brantford. And the best part - it's all presented in a user-friendly way, making it easy to find your dream home.
With a walk score of 19, most Brantford residents typically require a car to get around. The transit score, meanwhile, is 23 - resulting in a much more limited public transportation network. And the bike score comes in at 38.
All buyers must pay a series of closing costs when purchasing a house here. Your realtor and/or real estate agent can best advise on what these charges are. But here's a quick overview of what's involved when buying property in Brantford. At Strata, we advise our buyer clients to get a good estimate of closing costs early on. These costs can range anywhere from 1.5% - 2% of the overall purchase price. So consider a purchase price of $500,000 - 2% on that is $10,000 which should be accounted for upfront. In Canada, regardless of where you purchase, all buyers must pay a land transfer tax. These amounts are set up by the individual provinces, with some municipalities imposing a second tax upon closing. First-time homebuyers could be eligible for a government rebate - your real estate lawyer can help you apply for this rebate at the time of closing. A real estate lawyer is necessary to finalize any purchase in Brantford, so you'll want to include their fees in your closing costs. Although fees can vary, expect to set aside somewhere around $1,500 - $2,000 on closing to cover your legal costs.