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Narrowing down your search criteria will help as there are currently 1,027 available on the market today. Buyers should know that the average selling time of a house here is 19 days. It's a good time to be either a buyer or a seller in Mississauga - the market for houses is pretty balanced.
It's hardly surprising that Lisgar - Mississuaga, East Credit and Churchill Meadows are Mississauga's most popular neighbourhoods. examines specific criteria to determine a neighbourhood's level of desirability. Neighbourhoods with homes selling within the shortest time frame will usually have a higher popularity ranking.
It's hardly surprising that Sheridan, Mineola and Lorne Park are Mississauga's most expensive neighbourhoods. looks at historical data to calculate the average sale price for every neighbourhood. If you're looking for cheaper options though - Erin Mills, Rathwood and Dixie also have great properties, but at much better value.
Every city has neighbourhoods where property values tend to be cheaper - and in Mississauga they are Malton, Meadowvale Business Park and Downtown Core. assesses historical data to determine the average sale price for every neighbourhood. It should be noted that the average house in Mississauga typically sells for $1,399,492.
Aside from mortgage payments, owning a house in Mississauga will require that you pay an annual property tax. This tax is crucial in providing local residents with essential services, including garbage collection, fire protection and policing. Each year, the municipality determines its property tax rate - which typically falls in the range of 0.5 to 2.5%. Some Mississauga homebuyers believe this tax is based on the size of the house. But rather, the tax rate is multiplied by the home's current market value - which can fluctuate each year based on surrounding homes. If your home's market value is $500,000, and the municipal property tax rate is 1% - your property tax for that year would be $5,000.
If you're seeking a new place to call home Mississauga, can help you. Our website lets you search for every property on the market. It's a one-stop-shop for your real estate journey. But why settle for basic property details when you could unlock Mississauga's real estate history! And the best part - it's all presented in a user-friendly way, making it easy to find your dream home.
Mississauga has a decent walk score of 50, meaning some errands can be done on foot, but many will likely require a car. And with a transit score of 53, this city offers a decent network of public transportation. For anyone with a bike, Mississauga offers some cycling routes, with a bike score of 52.
When purchasing a house in Mississauga, you must budget for a series of charges known as 'closing costs'. These costs are necessary in order to finalize your purchase, so be sure to factor them in before making an offer. The average closing costs in this city will typically come to about 1.5% - 2% of the purchase price, although this can vary. For example, 2% in closing costs on an $800,000 house would be $16,000 that you need to budget for. The land transfer tax will make up most of your closing costs. In Canada, all buyers are subject to the LTT imposed by the province. First-time homebuyers could be eligible for a government rebate - your real estate lawyer can help you apply for this rebate at the time of closing. Finally, a Mississauga real estate lawyer will be necessary to conduct a title search, arrange title insurance, plus register the home under your name. Be sure to put aside $2,000 to cover the cost of your real estate lawyer, although legal fees can vary.